Spain is known for its very high quality leather products. So you don't have to search long in Benidorm to find high quality leather bags, belts, wallets and other accessories. One store that has built up a name and fame in Benidorm for many years is Paco Limon.
Picture by Harry Fabel |
Started in the 1970s, Paco Limon has indisputably developed into the king of leather. Here you can find just about anything that can be made of leather, but they mainly specialize in bags, wallets, suitcases and belts. The two-floors store has its own creation and customization department. Adjusting your newly purchased belt or a bag to your own wishes is done in no time and for free.
Picture by Harry Fabel |
Paco Limon not only sells high-quality leather products, they recently started selling items in other fabrics. But when it contains the stamp "genuine leather" you can rest assured that it is. The reputation of the store is very high.
You can find the shop on the small square Plaza Mayor at number 41 in the most frequented shopping street in the Benidorm old town, Passeig de la Carretera.
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